Homeowner Information on the Aerobic System.

If you Have a NuWater or SJ Rhombus Control Panel You will have Three Toggles as explained below.   

The HOOT System has 1 toggle and two lights on the front of the panel.

Rod Henry Construction, Inc.


Liquid Chlorinator

Liquid chlorinator dispenser is under black cap. Remove the  clear plug from the holding tank, add 2-3 gallons of 6% household bleach (Calcium Hypochlorite) once a month.DO NOT USE CLOROX ! or Pool chemicals.


Tablet Chlorinator uses You need to add 1 tablet per person every month. (Cap is located between green tids) You should use aerobic safe chlorine tablets in the system. You can find N0RWE00 Brand, Blue Crystal at both Lowes and Home Depot and some ACE Hardware locations. Look in the plumbing department, not the household chemical isle. Do not use pool tablets!

Tablet Chlorinator